What Causes Unexplained Weight Loss With Pain In The Thigh?
Please consider these investigation and upload me the reports
Detailed Answer:
Hello Sir,
Welcome to HealthcareMagic, I have gone through your question very diligently and I really appreciate your concern.
25 pounds or more weight loss with pain in thigh and difficulty in getting up from chair might be related to number of conditions like --
Anorexia (loss of appetite)
Any kind of cancer or malignancy
Liver or gall bladder disease
Age related degenerative changes
and many other rare causes like infection, parasitic infestation.
At the outset, I would advice you for a battery of investigation like CBC, AEC (absolute eosinophil count), ESR, along with few other investigations to rule out any possibilities of Tuberculosis and HIV, Liver function test, blood sugar, urine microscopy and routine analysis, sputum microscopy, ultrasound abdomen, X-ray of LS spine and Hip.
Meanwhile I would advise you for deworming with albendazole group of drugs.
I would advise you to have well balanced diet consisting of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
Maintain good hygiene
Multivitamin and calcium supplements are also advisable.
Please write back to me with all the investigation so that I will be able to guide you more precisely.
Wishing you good health and speedy recovery.