What Causes Unilateral Pain In The Shoulder, Arm, Foot And Leg?
I will say monitor only at this time!
Detailed Answer:
I have reviewed this pain and its description. However, it is not immediately typically or suggestive of a specific disease condition. I will suggest that you observe to see whether this happens again and again. If it is a one time observation, in most cases it is not suggestive of a disease condition or ongoing disease process.
If it should happen often, then there is need for further evaluation. At that time, I will recommend a complete interview and examination and probably an X-ray of the back to see if there are possible findings to suggest a picked nerve. For now, am not particularly worried about this.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Feel free to ask for more information and clarifications if need be. Above all, please keep me posted about recurrence or not of this pain.