What Causes Unsteady Gait, Temporary Blackouts, Weakness And Heaviness In Head?
Specially in the nights loosing my balance more while walking , Heavy Muscle pains and Eye pain and neck pain and eye Burning symptom.
All these symptoms started with heavy acidity problem , Now acidity is controlled but above problems were not solved
All the tests conducted found normal , Including EEG, CT Brain , ECG , All blood test test , HDL test , BP was normal all times .
Plenty of fluids/Mental relaxation exercises/Wait and watch
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for being on healthcaremagic.com.
I am Dr.Ajay Panwar,a neurologist,here to answer your query.
With this clinical history,there does not appear to be an organic reason behind your symptoms.
You should be plenty of fluids(at least 4 litres/day),good diet and adequate mental and physical relaxation.Please start doing meditation or yoga on a regular basis.
I hope to see you improve soon.
If the symptoms persist as such even after a week,please visit a physician in person for physical examination.
If you have some further questions,I shall be glad to have you in follow-up,else please close the thread,rate it and write a review.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,