What Causes Unusual Heavy Vaginal Bleeding After Menstrual Bleeding?
Get an ultrasound done.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare Magic.
I am Dr Ramadevi Wani. I will be answering your concerns today.
What is your BMI? Did you get this period after a gap of more than one month?
Are you by any chance having polycystic ovarian disease ( delayed irregular periods, excessive hair growth on face and body and polycystic ovaries on ultrasound)? Do you have thyroid problem?
The cause for this bleeding is likely due to ovarian hormonal disturbance which sometimes occurs specially if you are obese and have polycystic ovaries.
The Presence of polyp ( growth of lining of uterus or fibroid) in the uterine (womb) cavity is another reason which can cause such type of recurrent heavy bleeding.
Thyroid disease is another reason for such bleeding. But in that case you would have other symptoms of thyroid disease like fatigue, cold intolerance, constipation, hair loss etc
Since your tubes are tied, possibility of pregnancy causing this bleeding is extremely unlikely.
I advise you to see your gynecologist and get an ultrasound done to kook for the presence of polyp and fibroids. It is important that you get thyroid function tests done if this bleeding recurs again.
I hope I have answered your concerns. If you have any further queries do write to me through Healthcare magic. I will be happy to answer.