What Causes Violent Shaking While Having High Blood Pressure?
About his bp and shakiness.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
It's possible that the elevated blood pressure is causing shaking, but it may be the reverse: If there is some emotional or physical stress it may be causing both the shaking and elevated pressure.
Metoprolol, which he is using for blood pressure control, can help with shakiness sometimes. Please keep an eye on his blood pressure tonight and call his doctor tomorrow morning to report what is going on.
If his upper number is 180 or higher, or his lower number is over 109, then he should go to the ER where it can be lowered carefully in a controlled setting while he is monitored.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can provide further information or clarification.
About his blood pressure.
Detailed Answer:
Do you know if his blood pressure was elevated that last time he had the shaking?
And how severe is the shaking? A mild tremor or course hand flapping type movements?
Is the metoprolol and extended release formulation? You would know by the bottle saying XL or ER. Because if it is, the medicine may take awhile to bring down his pressure.
I too am concerned about a pressure of 180 even if it came down to 178. How long after the medication was this?
Can you retake his blood pressure while he is resting?
I forgot to answer the 180-178 question. That was before he took any extra Meds. He just waited 1/2 hr to see what it was.
SBP of 166 isn't good but it's safer.
Detailed Answer:
His blood pressure is getting into a safer range now. The metoprolol ER should continue to help. Still need to follow up with his doctor tomorrow.
Something to consider is that hyperthyroidism can cause shaking hands while other symptoms of excessive thyroxine may be masked by a beta blocker medication such as Metoprolol. So it might be a good idea to get a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level and thyroxine level just to make sure things are ok in that department.
It is also possible the shaking was from hypoglycemia as you suggested.
I think I mentioned before that beta blockers like metoprolol can treat shaking hands regardless of it's effect on blood pressure.
But still tell his doctor about the hand tremor too so he can do a neurological exam.
About hyperthyroidism
Detailed Answer:
Sometimes the thyroid, for various reasons, can produce too much or too little thyroxine. Some of the causes can be from a virus (which is usually self limited) and from autoimmune problems.
One of the most noticeable symptoms of excess thyroid production (hyperthyroidism) is a rapid heart rate and palpitations. However if a person is on a beta blocker like metoprolol, that will not happen as that type of medicine controls heart rate.
Other symptoms include weight loss, nervousness, intolerance to heat (and sometimes to cold), fatigue, and sometimes insomnia.
Thyroid disorders are usually treatable or controllable. And that might not be what is going on at all with him. It's just something that is good to check.