What Causes Visible Vein In Neck When I Strain?
This vein is in my neck
Most likely normal but recommended ultrasound scan if required
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in to us.
I have read through your query in detail.
Please find my observations below.
1. A vein is a blood channel that brings blood towards the heart. They have wal last s which collapse when empty and bulge when blood flows through it. Talking about neck veins usuallt the veins on one side of the neck is more prominent. The blood flow through veins is regulated by valves.
2. In your case it will help to know whether the vein in question is a prominent one and if it is filling up more under strain which is usually normal. You can compare it to the vien on the opposite side.
3. Blood flow through veins is studied by Doppler ultrasound scan and it is a simple technique. For confirmation about the bulge in the vein and to know if your vein is normal, you can talk to your doctor and get an ultrasound scan done if there is any suspicion of abnormality in the vein or any adjacent structure.
Hope your query is answered.
Please do write back if you have any doubts.