What Causes Waist Pain, Weight Loss, Bulky Stools, Bloating And Fatigue?
As detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query, elucidate and studyful.
Noted all the history about your wife well and understood the concerns:
Please give me additional information so that I can assist you better:
Which area the CT scan and MRI covered?
Stool: frequency? Since when is the bloating, gases change in stool?
Backache going to waist can be due to spinal problems as you have correctly mentioned.
I would advise you the following:
Continue Sucralfate.
Stool tests for three consecutive days is the best way to find out the probable cause.
If there is an infection of the intestines that is causing gases, bloating, semi-diarrhea and chunky stool, a course of an antibiotic active against intestinal infection, may be Metronidazole be useful.
Addition of probiotics and multivitamins do help.
Pancreatic enzymes supplements with food.
Banana, yogurt/curds and activated charcoal too helps.
Ranitidine to assist in ulcer healing may help along with sucralfate.
Notifying the foods and beverages that instigate or enhance the problems may be stopped to see the positive effects.
MRI of the spine to see the exact cause of backache and to get treated accordingly.
Painkillers like Ibuprofen taken for backache can cause or increase or delay the healing of the ulcer and hence best avoided.
Diazepam in low dosages is to be the best muscle and psychological relaxer - needs a prescription and may help in relieving hte ulcer and backache.
All these things when helpful are diagnostic as well as therapeutic.
I hope this answer helps you.
Please feel free to give feedback and feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.