What Causes Watery And Droopy Eyes?
I think the problem may be to either the sides of my eyes which are drooping a little or due to my eyes not draining properly which is what it may feel more like. So what are the symptoms for such a thing? And should I see another Ophthalmologist or should I try a general physician ?
Thank you.
General Physician firstly for a full and detailed examination.
Detailed Answer:
Because 2 ophthalmologists have not resolved the problem, I would firstly suggest you to go and make a full examination with your general physician which most probably will ask you more specifically about the symptoms and about other diseases or medication that you may be taking or that have taken.
Allergy, weather, systemic disease, etc. may be other reasons.
If the problem is not resolved by the general physician, he will probably recommend you to visit a specific specialist in ophthalmology called Oculoplastic specialist who is specifically trained in eyelids and tear duct. This doctor can determine for sure the reason of your watery eyes.
Take Care!
Dr. Eni