What Causes Weakness And Tingling In Legs And Feet?
possible aging
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query to hcm,
It appears from the symptoms that there is a natural decrease in strength and agility in your body over a period of time and lethargy weakness and tiredness have set in. Typical numbing and campiness of calf muscles though indicates poor hydration and often dyselectrolytemia but definitely age is a factor in your case which is likely cause instil with decreased muscle tone and flabbiness. It is important that you maintain a healthy life style with balanced diet, good hydration and exercise to tide over this age set backs which are natural but not untacklable.
Ageing itself can bring it many signs and symptoms and manifestations , the best way is to keep yourself fit to fight the raging sooner.
possible UTI
Detailed Answer:
this is known as urgency , which is a classical symptom of a UTI. iT IS ADVISABLE THAT YOU May get a urine analysis done to identify the causative which most commonly is E.COLI . This can be treated easily with a course of antibiotics for a week and increased intake of water can also help in flushing out th reinfection sooner.
This UTI can also be the cause of of your symptoms like generalised body ache, weakness, low back ache, mood swings, irritability.
so please visit your physician for a urinalysis first.