What Causes Weight Gain With Fatigue?
I am a 59 year old male in good health on the surface, except I need to lose weight. Currently, I weigh 350 lbs. on a 5'8'' frame. I've tried everything diet-wise you can imagine, but I have two big challenges: (1) My energy levels are very low. Things I used to do with ease now have become a chore. I get winded from doing the slightest activity, so exercise exhausts me. (2) I suffer from BPH, in that I have to go to the bathroom regularly and with some urgency. This makes drinking more water a scary proposition.
Is there a doctor in the XXXXXXX DC area you could recommend that I could visit that can help me with these challenges? What course of action do you recommend for me to follow to lose weight? I look forward to receiving your advice.
Thanks so much for sharing your expertise with me.
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Detailed Answer:
Hi, thanks for using Healthcare Magic.
I am concerned that you say "good health on the surface", then mentions symptoms that could be significant (low energy levels and getting winded easily). Certainly these symptoms could be from being so overweight, but you are at an age where other conditions such as heart and lung problems start to become more prominent. Before starting any new dietary program, including exercising (important for weight loss, but your cardiac status should be checked first), a thorough history, physical, and bloodwork are recommended.
An underactive thyroid can cause the symptoms you mention, including the weight loss difficulties. This can be easily checked with a blood test. If you were my patient, I would also want you to get an EKG and stress test before I'd make any recommendation for losing weight. I would also want to know what your cholesterol and blood sugar are (again, blood tests). Once serious problems have been teated or ruled out, you might be a candidate for a gastric bypass or similar procedure to help you lose weight.
Although I cannot make a specific recommendation about a XXXXXXX DC doctor, I advise you to see a specialist in Internal Medicine. They would evaluate you as I have suggested (I am an internist as well). You can check with the local community medical association for a recommendation. If you have insurance, you can also check with them- in fact, you might be required to see a doctor on their list of physicians.
Wishing you the best of health. Please get the evaluation soon. Feel free to contact me if you have further questions.