What Causes Weight Loss And Low Estrogen Levels While On Contraceptive Pills?
You do not need to take any other hormone supplementation
Detailed Answer:
Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
Many women assume that birth control makes you gain weight, however just as many women lose weight on the pill. Many people wou find that desirable, however if your thinness is bothersome to you there is nothing to worry about. As far as your estrogen levels are concerned, just because you are on a low-estrogen pill does not mean you have low estrogen levels in your body. If someone were to measure your blood estrogen level it would be normal. The reason I know this is that you need estrogen to menstruate. As long as you get your period, your body makes enough estrogen. That is why menopausal women do not menstruate anymore- they have low estrogen levels.
The suggestion I make is- if you otherwise like the side effects of the pills (great skin, minimal period) why dont you try to gain weight is a natural healthy way by eating more... and lifting some weight to build muscle mass. There is no need for a medical evaluation unless you have other symptoms other than weight loss that would suggest you may have a true illness.
Regarding the Depo-Provera, it actually is a progesterone-only contraceptive so it certainly will not increase your estrogen levels. Progestetone has the side effect of weight gain so that may be why your friend suggested it.
So in summary, your estrogen levels are normal and you do not need to be worried about your weight loss. If you want to put on weight, try to increase your calorie intake with healthy snacks and exercise. You can try another birth contrail brand but it may not have the other beneficial side effects you like about your current pill.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best wishes, Dr. Brown
You may want to see a nutritionist
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
I would have to review your daily caloric intake and exercise level to really advise you properly about how to proceed, but consulting with a nutritionist may be a good idea. If you continue to lose weight it may be appropriate then to see a doctor as well, not necessarily about your birth control pills, but for screening for other medical problems, like thyroid disease, that can make you lose weight without trying.
The important point for now is that these issues do not have to do primarily with your birth control method and you can take time to figure out the best way to achieve your weight goals.
Best wishes again,
Dr. Brown