What Causes Weird Bubbly Sensation In Lower Abdominal Area?
Needs clinical evaluation and investigations as mentioned.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query, albeit short and specific.
To recapitulate: Male/23 - visited a Doctor - taking Lansoprazole for heartburn - have weird bubbly sensation in left lower abdomen - sharp pain in mid stomach and lower chest - suffer from bad heartburn all the time - wants to know whether this could be pancreatitis...
As per the history you have provided, this does not look to be pancreatitis as it will have referred pain to the back and needs blood test and ultrasonography to confirm.
Since you already have heartburn, the pain in the lower chest and mid abdomen can be related to the stomach. Upper GI endoscopy will help to confirm.
The bubbly sensation in the lower left abdomen can be due to colitis or so.
I would advise you the following:
Visit your Doctor or at ER to get a clinical evaluation, examination and investigations as needed:
Blood: serum amylase, lipase, liver function tests and so on.
MRCP helps the diagnosis.
Tests of stool and urine as may find something for a clue.
Upper GI Endoscopy and ultrasonography as already mentioned above.
All these things will help you to get the proper diagnosis and a plan for treatment.
I hope this answers your query, please feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
As discussed
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your feedback.
It is more than 18 hours and you have not visited ER or your Doctor.
Please discuss the things we have covered above.
Give your Doctor the full history so that a proper clinical evaluation can be done