What Causes White Bumps On Chin And Jaw Area?
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I usually do preparation for my shaving.
1. I do hot shower bath
2. Rinse face with warm water
3. Apply nonalcholoic sensitive skin lather cream
4. Perform the shaving with grain with fresh catridge 3 blade system
5. I have rough skin with wrinkles in chin and jaw area. also neck area. I will do multiple shaving passes on those areas
For work, I have to do clean shave. I'm not getting clean shave and getting irrated if i do multiple times.
How do i avoid shaver bumps or follicitis
Do not shave against the direction of growth of hair
Detailed Answer:
It is good to look urbane and suave but you should not hurt yourself in being so. If you have to have clean shave and present yourself at work, you should just shave every day with best brands.
Please note that you should never shave against the direction of hair growth. You should first understand which direction the hair grows in each of the beard areas. The direction is different in different areas of your chin. Check it first and shave only in the direction of the hair growth. In order to have close shave you might be shaving against the direction which is not healthy and leads to shave bumps.
Also use enough lather from GILLETTE brands, let it remain on the chin for couple of minutes before you shave with a good razor.
These are simple tips and certainly will help you acheive closer shave without bumps.
All the best. Please close our discussion if you do not have further queries.