What Causes White Dots In Visual Field?
white spot or dot in visual field.
Detailed Answer:
They appears to be muscivolitantis or floaters.Is he myopic? Keeping in mind his age refraction should be done first followed by detail fundus examination to rule out retinal pathology or involvement of macula. High astigmatism or retinal tear or hole can give rise to such symptoms. As he is very young, refractory problem specially astigmatism should be ruled out. Congenital problem like cataract or traumatic involvement of lens vitreous or retina may be excluded. It is advisable to consult pediatric neuro ophthalmologist. He should examine the child take history and give his opinion with history looks like floaters, but with age of child history is not dependable. Examination and finding should be final.
no knowledge in naturopathy.
Detailed Answer:
i have no idea about treatment by naturopathy. in allopathy this type of management is not permuted. in my opinion this may cause more problem. what you wanted to know can be replied by taking MRI. these question may be asked to naturopathic doctor. what ever opinion he gives can be communicated so that i can give my views. I do not understand how any one can comment on alignment without CT OR MRI. I have my limitation in these field. to your primary question I was apparently indicating neurological problem. due to that reason I recommended consultation with neuro ophthalmologist.