What Causes Whitish Urethral Discharge Post Malaria Treatment?
You should take anti acidity medicines
Detailed Answer:
I had gone through your question very diligently and I really appreciate your concern.
Urethral discharge might be related to Infection or inflammation of the urogenital tract; here I would advise you to plenty of fluids 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, if it persists even after that than I would advise you for urine test for microscopy as well as culture.
You may require a course of antibiotics under supervision.
Bloating and pain in abdomen might be caused by hyperacidity, as anti malarial medicine also increases acid production.
In my opinion you should take pantoprazole or ranitidine group of drugs with antacids for 5 to 7 days with avoidance of fatty fried spicy and junk food or carbonated drinks
Hope this helps you
Please fell free to ask for follow up question with more related information like if you are having burning sensation in urine, if you sexually active?
So that I will be able to tell you even more precisely.
Best wishes
thank you very much for taking time to reply to my concerns.
to answer your question, i've recently started to feel a slight discomfort when passing urine, but i wouldn't necessarily call it burning sensation and i am not currently sexually active.
is there any a little more natural way to treat acidity?
I've just taken pro biotics this morning, is this a good idea?
Many thanks,
It is a good idea, take antacids and ENO
Detailed Answer:
Welcome again and thanks for the details
You should take plenty of fluids which will help you by flushing off the urogenital tract, otherwise get a urine culture and sensitivity test and according to report you may require a course of antibiotics under supervision.
Acidity can be controlled by taking curd, yoghurt and Lemon water
Other thing is you can take ENO or antacids like diagene or gelusil which is available as chewable tablets.
You should avoid spicy and junk food, have lots of fresh fruits and fruits juices.
Taking probiotics is a good idea but it doesn't control acidity as it strengthens the healthy and useful microorganisms of the intestine
Hope this answers your question
Wish you good health