What Causes Yellowish Color At Corners Of Eyes?
It can be icterus or yellow discolouration.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Madam,
Welcome to Health care Magic
Iam Dr. DADAPEER K, an ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
It seems from the history that you are having problem of corner of the eyes look yellowish.
The first thing to be ruled out is icterus or jaundice. In this condition there is yellowing of the other parts of the body like palms of hands and generally will have symptoms of liver disease. It seems from the history that you are not having any of these symptoms.
The other things to be considered are
1. Accumulation of yellow discharge in cases of inflammation of the conjunctiva called as conjunctivitis. In this case symptoms like discharge and redness of the eyes are present.
2. Yellowish discolouration of conjunctiva as happens in long standing allergic conjunctivitis. In this case symptoms like itching and redness of the eyes are present.
3. It can be age related degeneration of the conjunctiva as in pinguecula. In this condition the area next to the cornea is yellowish in appearance.
Hence I request you to give few more details like,
Do you have any other general symptoms like fever, yellowish appearance of palms of hands....?
Do you have redness, discharge from the eyes?
Do you have itching and other allergic symptoms?
Hence I advice you to give few more details and if possible a photo of the affected eyes, so that I can advice you more accurately.
Thank you