What Could A Draining Wound At The Anus Leading To Difficulty With Bowel Movements Be Treated?
As you are just 27 chances of it being Hemorrhoid or fissure is more.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for query,
I am a Gastroenterologist and would be addressing your concerns.
As per your queries answers are-
As per your history your case appears to be grade 2 or 3 hemorrhoid (i.e.hemorrhoids prolapse and usually require manual reduction)as you have mentioned that applying pressure reduces it. However first recommendation is visit a MD and get yourself examined by a proctoscope and physically by doctor.Its very difficult to differenciate between fissures hemorrhoids etc on basis of history as almost all of them have more or less overlapping pathology.
Once its cleared that they are hemorrhoids-
protocol says that stage 2 or 3 is managed conservatively.
Suggestion for conservative management are-
Start taking Syp. Lactulose 10-15ml once daily before going to bed.
Secondly, start using PreprationH over the mass locally.
In case its a wart electro cauterisation can be done.
Cancer is usually associated with severe bleeding pain with drastic change in bowel habits.27 is a age in which bowel cancers are very uncommon.So going by rule of thumb we would investigate common things first.
Go for proctoscopy and follow up with what doctor suggests you.
Anxiety can be a secondary factor but can't cause bleeding.
Follow up.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
Yes off course it could even be suggestive of irritable bowel syndrome.High levels of anxiety is usually seen in patients with IBS.Secondly brain is the control centre of all organs in body.Anxiety stimulates the autonomous nerves which travel along the intestines leading to increased or decreased rate of persistalsis causing constipation or diarrhea.Stagnation of food causes bad bacterial colonies to develop overtime leading to gas formation bloating and belching.See every system in our body is interconnected and frankly speaking anxiety is most common cause that can be linked with IBS.
If your anxiety levels are too high get a prescription for SSRi and Benzodiazepenes and see how your gut responds to it.
Initially you have mentioned that toilet paper has bright red stains and now you are saying no bleeding.Please clearify for a better advice my dear.
Follow ups are welcome.
Hope i answered your query well.
Follow up suggestions.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
I think sir you are suffering from gastroenteritis as history of loose stool is related to food intake.
I don't feel that a episode of this is related to anxiety,
Would suggest you to take probiotic VSL#3 twice daily for 3 days.
A course of prescription medicine Rifaxamin 400mg once daily for 3 days would be a good option to eradicate bacterial infection.
If things remain the same after this then we could think about other reasons.
Thank you