What Could Be Reason For Mixed Anxiety Disorder With Frequent Up& Down Mood Swings Issue?
Considering i am yet to father a child & age i am on, i am not willing to take such risk, let alone sexual side effects so my query what are my options to treat above mentioned anxiety symptoms that doesn't cause such side effects??
Detailed Answer:
It seems that you are having mixed symptoms of anxiety and depression,along with panic episodes as well as social gathering phobia. Sertaline is generally very much effective in relieving these symptoms in most of the cases.
Definitely, your version is right to the extent,that limited studies in men & some large studies in rats have conclusively proved the negative effect of sertaline on genesis & growth of sperms, resulting in infertility in many cases. Still,I will advise that, you should analyse benfits vs risks in this case. I will like to emphasise two points in this regards.
1-This negative effect,even if present is temporary & completely reversible after stoppage of drug.The count comes to normal in a short period after stoppage of drug. Hence when your symptoms improve,then your psychiatrist may try to wean you completely off the drug or reduce the dose to the minimum,thus negating the unwanted effects completely or minimising it to an acceptable level.
2- If you do not take the medicines,then your symptoms of anxiety/depression etc. may itself give rise to decreased sexual intimacy,frequency or performance resulting in the decreased outcome of pregnancy.
However, the final decision should be taken strictly under guidance of your psychiatrist discussing all the prose & cones of the situation. I think this may be helpful to you in taking a final decision in this regards.