What Could Be The Cause Excessive Itchiness On Testicle Sac And Penis Shaft ?
Thanks for writing to us.
Excessive itching is not likely to be due to hanging down of testicles though heavy sweating and heat during the drive can cause some infections to flare up.
The most likely causes in your case seem to be-
1.Dermatitis- caused by infections mostly fungal, allergies, and irritants (such as soaps, certain creams).Lesions are usually in the form of itchy small red bumps.
When become white headed, it may indicate a secondary bacterial infection and formation of pus.
2.Herpes simplex - Genital herpes is a very common disease caused by herpes virus type2. It results in small, very painful blisters (fluid is inside the lesion), genital irritation, itching, they burst into the sores turns into crust, that scab and heal in about 3 weeks.
Special tests include:
Blood tests, Microscopic examination of tissue scrap from lesions, Viral cell culture test.
3.Scabies- It is a Bug infestation and the main symptom is itching. An examination by dermatologist will help in the diagnosis.Recurrence is common if not treated properly.
4. Eczema- Again itching, dryness and red spots appear due to eczema. An examination from your dermatologist will confirm the diagnosis and will prescribe the drugs best for you.Many a times it has got a seasonal association also.
Direct clinical examination is essential to rule out the above conditions.
I hope my answer and recommendations are adequate and helpful.
Waiting for your further follow up queries if any.
Wishing you good health.
Thanks for writing again.
It seems that you are having dermatitis with fungal infection intermittently.
It could most probably be Jocks itch.
Since the two primary causes of jock itch are excess moisture and fungal infections, treatment depends on the exact cause of the jock itch. Treatment of jocks itch associated with skin irritation and excess moisture should address general measures to keep the groin clean and dry.
Other times, a skin swab or culture may be taken and sent to the lab to detect an infectious cause of the jock itch or any other skin infection.
Some topical therapies and oral tablets are available over the counter. Miconazole , tolnaftate , clotrimazole , and terbinafine are some of them.You will have to XXXXXXX a dermatologist for the specified drugs.
Hope I have answered your query.
Wishing you an early recovery.