What Could Be The Cause Of Itching In Vagina, Difficulty In Urinating And Repeat Periods Post Unprotected Sex ?
Just to be clear,your period ended a week ago.You had unprotected sex just after that.Then you started bleeding again after a week.Since you havent mentioned dates,its difficult to pinpoint timelines.You fertile day would be between day 12-16.If you had unprotected sex during these days then pregnancy is a possibility.If you are having a proper period at this time,then there is a definite problem here.However,if its just spotting,then it could be mid cycle bleeding related to ovulation.Usually occurs between day13-14.Your other symptoms like itching,frequent urination etc. could indicate a vaginal infection/UTI.So you need to have a urine test,a swab test and a pregnancy test if your dates match.
First calculate you fertile days from you last menstrual period.If at all you had sex during those days(12-16)then wait till you miss your period and then take a test.
If you realise that you didnt have sex during your fertile days,then the next step would be a examination and a urine test.In case of infection,antibiotics may be required.