What Could Cause Excessive And Frequent Belching Along With Occasional Dizziness And Nausea?
Dyspepsia and depleted gut flora age related.
Detailed Answer:
Most likely you are suffering from indigestion due to depleyed gut flora and this is also termed medically as dyspepsia. Its is an intestinal condition marked by cramps,nausea, vomiting bloating.However its not necessary that all symptoms are there in a single patient.
Gas is formed due to incomplete fermentation of food.Incomplete fermentation results in release of large amount of toxic gases which may causs increased pressure in intestines compresses the nerves and may cause pain nausea and vomiting.
Go for an ultra sound abdomen, I would suggest you not to worry too much.
Kerp taking proton pump inhibitor along with a prokinetic drug (eg.Domperidone) for 3 days. This will provide you symptomatic relief from symptoms.
Any over counter probiotic like VSL#3 should be taken for few days to provide relief in symptoms of indigestion.Take it twice daily to help in improving gut flora.
Take activayed charcoal tablets for few days.
General precautions-
Don't sleep immediately after eating, wait for at least two hours before you go to bed.
Space out your meals, eat multiple smaller meals instead of few large ones
Restrict smoking and alcohol consumption
Hope i answered your query with relevant details. Thank you.