What Could Cause Intermittent Sharp Pain In The Lower Right Side And Sometimes Towards The Left Too?
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Have gone through your details and i appreciate your concerns.
As per your query i would like to ask if-
Are any of these symptyoms there-
pain or pressure in your chest
bloody stools
persistent nausea and vomiting
skin that appears yellow (jaundice)
severe tenderness when you touch your abdomen
swelling of the abdomen.
Does he have a gas problem?
Intestinal gas is air found in your entire digestive tract. It’s often caused by food that’s not broken down completely until it reaches your colon.The more undigested food present, the more gas your body will dproduce. As gas builds up, it can cause abdominal pain and as large intestine is found in lower left and right side pain could be because of that.Bending or stretching may compress gas against intestine hence would cause pain.Intestines contains nerves running tbrough it when formed gas applies pressure on these nerves person has pain.
Does the patient use a single finger or spread the fingers and move the palm over much of the abdomen?
What is the nature of the pain?
Are there any aggravating or relieving factors? The former may include fatty food. The latter may include sitting forward or taking medication.
How often is the pain felt and how long does it last?
Is there radiation elsewhere?
Does the patient use a single finger or spread the fingers and move the palm over much of the abdomen?
What is the nature of the pain? Note body language. A burning pain is often described with an open hand moving upwards but a clenched fist is used to describe colic.
Are there any aggravating or relieving factors? The former may include fatty food. The latter may include sitting forward or taking medication.
How often is the pain felt and how long does it last?
Is there radiation elsewhere?
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Hello again and thanks for follow up as his CT scan is normal it could be fluid or any other major pathology.
firstly i would suggest him to get examined for a umbilical hernia(though rare possibilities) secondly what are the medications he is on at present?
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Hello again,
Diclofenac and colchicine both are strong drugs and should always be taken with an antacid.
Most likely he would respond to antacid.
Follow up.
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Hello again,
No if there is fluid then CT scan would have reflected it.
CT could not be normal in that case.