What Could Cause Sudden Unilateral Numbness?
Different possible causes
Detailed Answer:
Sudden unilateral numbness can have different causes. It would be called neuropathy which is abnormal function of the nerves.
It can be temporary or permanent.
Some causes-(1) trauma to the nerves . If the numbness is on the entire side of the body then a stroke or TIA (transient ischemic attack- minor stroke) should be considered.
You would need a CT or MRI brain as soon as possible and medication would also need to be started.
Trauma can also occur when a person has arthritis or any changes of the spine (neck, chest or lower back), it can compress nerves in that area and this can cause numbness.
Imaging of the spine would identify any of these
(2)infection of the spine, brain or any of the outgoing nerves can cause a problem as well
(3)low levels of vitamin b12 or folate can cause numbness but this is usually only in a specific areas
(4)liver, kidney or thyroid disease can cause numbess.
(5)neurological conditions such as ms can also cause this symptom
You would need to examined, imaging and bloods done to determine the exact cause, treatment depends on the cause found.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions