What Cuases Pain In Hip?
I would like to know little detail.
Detailed Answer:
Hello madam
I have studied your case and it looks to me that you are having disc herniation in back which has caused pain in back in past and now causing pain in your left leg.
I want to know detail about your illness so that I am better able to help.
1. What is the nature of pain?
2. Does this pain increase on coughing and sneezing?
3. I would suggest you to get MRI of the spine. This will confirm us extent and site of herniation.
Please send me answers of these question. Also send me your MRI report as soon as possible. You have the option of uploading the report from your dashboard. You can also send the reports at YYYY@YYYY and address it to my name: Dr Naveen Kumar Sharma.
I will try my best to help you.
Disc herniation with nerve compression
Detailed Answer:
Hello Madam,
After reading your description I am sure that this pain is most likely due to disc herniation and nerve compression in the back. It would be better if you get a new MRI because one year old MRI will not provide any help. In my patients with such complains I advice following :
1. Pregabalin and Methylcobal daily.
2. Keep your knee in bend position when you are lying on the bed.
3. Avoid bending forward and lifting heavy weight.
If the pain is untolerable, ER visit is recommended. Else, you can take over the counter pain killer and make arrangements to get back to your orthopedician. He/she will know the importance about repeating MRI and will accordingly guide you. You can also get the aforementioned drugs prescribed.
Please send me your new MRI report. On the basis of which I can tell you if you need any surgery.
Thanks and take care.
It can not be trochantric bursitis
Detailed Answer:
Hello madam,
It is possible that I made a wrong diagnosis. But I am still not sure about your diagnosis. A trochantric bursitis can cause mild pain in hip joint but pain caused by it is never unbearable. Other thing is that pain of trochantric bursitis never migrate below knee in leg.It is possible that both disc herniation and bursitis are coexisting in your case. You can take treatment for trochantric bursitis right now.
If your pain improves then its ok. If it still persist then get a new MRI. That will confirm your diagnosis.
Wish you a very good health. Thanks .
It can be Disc herniation
Detailed Answer:
Apologies for the late reply...
Disc herniation is a progressive disease. You need not always fall or sustain trauma to have disc herniation. Some time even just bending forward or light jerky activity can progress the disc herniation. So it may happen that same disc can cause symptoms on both right and left side.
As I told you before that trochanter bursitis may cause pain in hip but does not causes pain in whole leg.
Your previous MRI has already shown that you have disc herniation. I think now one of the disc has herniated a little more and it is causing nerve compression on left side. I would suggest you to get a new MRI to see if this is the reason of your pain. It will also show how bad is your disc disease now.
You can always choose to treat with medications. As I mentioned earlier you can try Pregabalin and Methylcobal tablets . This will provide you pain relief and it is a safe medicine. However the condition should be reassessed after MRI scan.
Let me know if you want to ask any other question. I will try my best to help you. Thanks.
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Naveen Kumar Sharma
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Joint Replacement
Practicing since :2002
Answered : 4486 Questions