What Do I Do About Pain In My Right Lower Back?
Pain stretch to the front on the right hip.
Used ubuprofen 2 in the morning 2 afternoon.
Smear Bengay 2 weeks but no results.
I think it is inside.
I am diabetic 2, 2000 mg metformine
Sleep flat,drink alot and piss alot
No blood in urine,
When i walk alot it feels like a clamp is on my both hips ,so i have to stop walking
Please inform where to go and what to do.
As explained below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Noted the history, seen the well depicted photo and understood the concerns.
Please give additional information for me to assist you better:
Does bending forwards increase the pain or any other movement that increases the pain?
As per the photos the pain looks to be at the upper part of the bony crest wherein the muscles are inserted. Hence this is most probably due to sprain and inflammation at these points.
Consult an Orthopedic Surgeon for clinical examination and investigations as needed. At least an X-ray and relevant blood and urine tests. Further tests as advised and thus getting the final diagnosis to get an appropriate management.
I hope this answer helps you, please feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
Take care.
Give feedback.
With Regards.
I wear a back support soft belt and this helps abit.
Do i need to consult a family doctor first?
As discussed in details below.
Detailed Answer:
I think so. Yes, consult your Family Doctor so that he can have primary Examination, medications, investigations and refer to a Specialist as needed.
Please give feedback.
Avoid any movement that puts strain on the already painful area.
Take laxatives if there is hard stool.
Avoid straining of any sort.
No lifting anything.
Take care