What Do Difference In BP Readings Of Either Arms Indicate?
May be a vascular problem if it is more than 20 mm Hg
Detailed Answer:
Dear Mrs,
Normally there can be a difference about 10 mm Hg between 2 subsequent measurements in the same arm, or in different arms.
If the pressure difference between arms is more than 20 mm Hg, then a vascular problem should be ruled out. In case of vascular diseases, when there is a narrowing or blockage in one of the arteries of the arm, in this arm you may measure lower pressure, which related to the fact that in such vessels blood travels slower and there is less blood that should be.
So if we measure more than 20 mm Hg difference between two arms, we repeat the measurements and if it persists then we perform some examinations, such as duplex ultrasound of vessels to find out the cause.
Hope this was helpful for you
Come back if you have any further questions
Take care,