What Do Episodes Of Crushing Pain In The Calf Area Indicate?
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I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
I am assuming that there are no local changes such as swelling, warmth, or redness of the calf area (which would indicate a venous thrombosis).
So if there are no such symptoms then the next hypothesis would be an issue of the arteries or the nerves. Narrowing of the arteries by atherosclerosis may cause such pain which is triggered or exacerbated by walking as the muscles need more blood supply. So such calf pain (called otherwise claudication) is one possibility to consider. It starts by looking at the presence of a good pulse in the foot and if there are doubts imaging is needed.
The nerve related issue would be in the setting of a nerve compression such as compression in the back from spine arthritis with disc bulges or bonny spurs compressing the nerves supplying your lower limb. For that a neurological exam to look for changes in muscle strength, sensation, reflexes etc is needed and spine imaging may eventually be needed.
When symptoms do not fit into any category some blood tests such as electrolytes may also be done although such metabolic causes should normally cause symptoms in both limbs.
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Detailed Answer:
The fact that you have no back pain at all makes the nerve compression hypothesis less likely (if you had back pain I wouldn't have mentioned the other possibilities at all).
However while less likely it is not impossible, every condition has typical and atypical presentations, so if vessel issues are not found the compression theory should be considered.
Let me know if I can further assist you.