What Do High TSH Level And Low Absolute Monocytes Count Indicate?
By "ULTRASOUND" examination, endometrial thickness, should be less than 5 mm after menopause
Detailed Answer:
Hello and Welcome.
I appreciate your concerns.
As far as the TSH, monocytes and cholesterol are concerned , I would kindly, ask you to upload a copy of the labs ( including the blood count, thyroid function tests, lipid profile ) if available OR state the exact values with their respective units to comment/advise further.
General body aches, joint pains are a common feature in women in the days preceding menses. NSAID's like celecoxib or ibuprofen can be advised initially. If the swelling/pain recurs or persists and involves the ankle, wrist and proximal joints of the hand then R.A factor, "anti CCP Abs", "ANA profile" along with x rays of the joints involved can be advised.
3 months of continuous cessation of menses along with serial elevation of gonadotropins is taken as a fair criteria for a person to be in menopause. The most common cause of abnormal vaginal bleeding in a post menopausal lady is vaginal/endometrial atrophy though endometrial carcinoma must be ruled out primarily.
An ultrasound to look for an increase in the endometrial thickness strip should be advised. In post menopausal women its no greater than 5 mm thick, normally.
Hysteroscopy and endometrial sampling can also be advised based on the findings of the least invasive test, i.e. the ultrasound.
Wishing you the best of health
Please consult your doctor before deciding on any further course of action.
Dr. M.S. Khalil