What Do Irregular Z Line In An Endoscopy Result Indicate?
He also took biopsies of non-healing gastric ulcers my question is should I be freaking out
only 0.5 to 2% case of metaplasia results in carcinoma.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking query on this forum.
Most likely your Gastroenterologist is suspecting XXXXXXX esophagus.The diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus rests upon seeing a pink esophageal lining that extends a short distance (usually less than 2.5 inches) up the esophagus from the gastroesophageal junction(z like represents this junction only) and finding intestinal type cells (goblet and parietal cells) which secrete acid (causing elevated level of acids)on biopsy of the lining.
Non healing gastric ulcers are due to GERD which in long term has caused XXXXXXX esophagus.
In Barrett's oesophagus the cells that line the lower oesophagus are abnormal. The main cause is long-standing reflux of acid from the stomach into the oesophagus. Patients with Barrett's oesophagus are at an increased risk of developing cancer of the oesophagus however the risk is very small about 0.5-2%.
So my suggestion is don't freak out right now wait for the results of biopsy.
Only biopsy can decide whether it's carcinoma or just a metaplasia.
as per the increased level of gastrin is concerned.Goblet cell are usually seen in metaplasia(metaplasia means change of one type of epithelium to other type).Very rarely does metaplasia results in carcinoma.
so keep your fingers crossed and don't panic.
for further professional opinion please pen down your symptoms and detailed history.