What Do Marked Sinus Bradycardia Indicate And Counter Clockwise Rotation Indicate?
ECg findings
Detailed Answer:
As a Primary care doctor I would like to explain that these nomenclatures written by you were part of ECG findings and terms explain thus:
Marked sinus bradycardia is slow heart rate but the electrical impulse is still originating from normal sinus node. This can be because of hypertensive medications that you are taking. However you have not mentioned what was the heart rate. Heart rate below 40/min is considered marked reduction.
Counter clockwise rotation is labelled when one of the waves (R wave) in the chest leads (v1 to v6) is R waves is larger than S wave in V1 to V3 leads. This happens when there is right side enlargement of heart, MI in the posterior wall of heart, wolf parkinson white syndrome and left septal fascicular block.
What I mean to say is the ECG is only a starting point to know there is more to investigate to pin point the problem. You may have the above said problems or not. It has to be further investigated.
Hope I was clear.
Thanks for your immediate response. Two days before I had ECG, I suffered from dizziness, heaviness on the chest,BP was 150/100,and slurring of speech. I was able to take SERC, Captopril as my emergency medicines. Previously , the result of my chest Xray indicates enlargement of the heart.Was the results related for the incident happened two days before.?
Heart rate was below 45
Detailed Answer:
The previous Chest xray and current ECG can be related.
You need to get complete evaluation by cardiologist given the symptoms are suggestive of definite heart issues.