What Do My Lab Test Reports Indicate?
my mother has left breast mass. her reports are attached. can you please help me know what can be this problem and also how can we cure it. of you want me to reach to some specialist, then I can forward this request to concerned doctor.
Wide local Excision biopsy is the best option to get a definite diagnosis.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query about your Mother and the report.
The ultrasound shows a well defined lobulated heterogenously hypoechoic lesion of
2.4 cm X 1.9 cm - with internal vascularity at 3 o'clock left breast - NO lymph nodes in axilla and Mammography report says suspicious abnormality Birads IV - suggesting malignancy hence needing biopsy.
These two indicate that the mass is still limited to the breast only- no axillary lymph nodes.
It shows a possibility of caner and the Radiological findings are not sure about it being benign a fibroadenoma or adenosis.
Best diagnosis is by wide local Excision biopsy of the whole mass as it will give the definite diagnosis upon which depends the further management.
If it turns out to be a benign one, this itself will be the treatment.
If it turns out to be cancer further management by a team of Onco-Surgeon, Oncologist and Radiotherapist will give the best possible treatment.
Part of the biopsy specimen is also sent to the lab for knowing the genetics and responsiveness to the hormone therapy.
I hope this answers your query.