What Do My Lab Test Reports Indicate?
can be cardiac or renal problem.
Detailed Answer:
Hi ,
Thanks for choosing HCM for your query.
As per your query most whenever there is edema in body we initially suspect involvement of either of these three organs.
As abdominal tests are normal I don't think that abdomen is culprit in her case.
Most likely her edema is related to congestion due to heart or due to kidney problems.
Suggested tests are
2d echo of heart to rule out functions of heart.
Renal function test to see if kidney is functioning normally.
As per her tummy upset is concerned I won't recommend any medication right now because most of them are metabolised and excreted by kidney only.
Initially go for these tests to rule out the cause of acute congestion and edema.
She was also told that she is anemic, could that be causing any of the swelling? We are hoping it isn't something serious. Here is the list of tests that she has had in regards to this situation:
CBC w/Diff
Metabolic Panel Comprehensive
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Urinalysis with Microscopic
B-Type Natriuretic Peptide
Troponin I
Diff, Auto
US Extremity Ven w/ Compres Bil
DX Portable Chest X Ray
CT Adb/Pelvis W/ Contrast – All of the above done 8/4. CT was done 8/7
Follow up.
Detailed Answer:
Hello there,
Yes severe anemia could be a cause of anasarca(general body edema) but in her case the edema is involving mainly her legs so it can be cardiac also.Blood contains proteins which binds water molecule to them.However in anemic patients due to inability of blood to retain water edema occurs.
Please mention her levels of hemoglobin.
A 2d echo should always be done because bilateral pedal enema is very often related to cardiac problem especially if edema is responding well to diuretics.
As CT Abd was normal most likely its not related to liver or kidney.
So we have to rule out cardiac cause.