What Do My Ultrasound Scan Test Result Indicate?
4 th to 14 th day
Detailed Answer:
Hi there,
Welcome to HCM,
Every menstrual cycle has a variable proliferative phase (which is the first 2 weeks of the cycle), and a fixed progesterone phase the last two weeks of the cycle.
This means that if your cycle is shorter by 4 days ( usual cycle length taken as 28 days) then the fertile period which is between 8 to 18 days will be shifted by 4 days sooner and become from 4th to 14 th day.
So technically you are in the fertile period at present, but this should have been supported by the presence of a dominant follicle by ultrasound.
The absence of a dominant follicle greatly reduces the chances of your ovulating this cycle.
Best that you re-analyse which medications to take.
Hope this helps
You're welcome
Detailed Answer:
You're welcome