What Do Negative Tests For Colonoscopy Despite Having Neurofibromatosis Indicate?
Depends upon what your blood tests show
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Hello and thanks for your question.
It is good that your endoscopy and colonoscopy were normal. Many patients with NF have bleeding in the gastrointestinal system so it is great that you had those tests done. Further suggestions would depend upon what your blood tests show. If you are found to have blood in your stools even with a normal upper endoscopy and colonoscopy you may need a bleeding scan to look for bleeding in the small intestine which can not be reached with the endoscopes. If it is an iron deficiency anemia you may need iron supplementation.
If you have a low B12 you may need tests for pernicious anemia ad B12 supplementation. If you have normal iron stores and a low reticulocyte count you may need a bone marrow biopsy to determine the cause of anemia. If you have a low haptoglobin you may need testing for hemolytic anemia. Sometimes causes of anemia can be discovered with hemoglobin electophoresis. You do not need all this testing but your doctor should be able to determine which test to do next based on your blood tests.
I hope you find the cause and get treatment soon.
Yes a hematologist would be best
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Hello and thanks for your follow up. Your primary care doctor can probably do some of the blood testing, but you will probably need a hemtologist to sort it all out and figure out the best tests to do next based on the labs. Good health to you.
Not usually a problem
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SSRIs are not usually a problem. I would not suggest changing that without checking with your doctor