What Do Open Sores On The Shin And Ankles Indicate?
Practical advises to medicate the sores at home.
Detailed Answer:
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I read carefully your question and I understand your concern.
The black crust means dead cells and the sores will not heal fast unless that crust falls off. That because the healing process happens from the base of the wound and if it is blocked with a crust, then it takes longer time to heal.
There are my recommendations:
- Do not use anymore Peroxide on the wound. It does not only kill the bacterias but also the cells which are regenerating. The skin normally has bacterias so despite of how many peroxide you use, it will still be contaminated. So, just wash the wound with water to keep the dirt away.
- Wrap the wound 3-4 times/day and put in it a small wet gause (just in the area that has the crust, make sure the wet gause doesn't go over the normal skin). The reason for changing it so often is because we would want that to be always wet, so the crust will fall within couple of days and you will see at the bottom of the wound the pink tissues which will start healing faster.
- Apply the antibiotic cream not directly in the wound but around it only.
An open wound should not get infected.
If the area around gets red and painful, then it is the time to see a local doctor who can prescribe oral antibiotics. That is not common, unless your husband has any medical problem that decreases his immunity.
Hope this is helpful.
Let me know if you need more clarifications.
Dr. Papaqako