What Do Severe Small Vessel Ischemic Disease And Vascular Dementia Mean Apart From Moderate Global Parenchymal Volume Loss?
Also they indicated moderate global parenchymal volume loss. thank you.
MRI report explained.
Detailed Answer:
This MRI report indicates demyelination in the periventricular and subcortial, perivascular and deep white matter areas.
In both hemispheres means all over brain.
Sometimes this are commonly findings in older people and most probably in people suffering for long time with hypertension and diabetes.
Hypertension and diabetes damages brain small vessels that often cause vessel ischemic disease that leads to this vascular dementia.
Global parenchymal loss is brain atrophy commonly found in elders.
She may not be suffering from a specific diseases but aging degenerative disease.
Hope I have answered the question. Let me know if I can assist you further.