What Do The Following Blood Test Reports Indicate?
Alt 51( 0-41)
GGT 256. (2-65)
Cholesterol 259
Chol/HDL ratio 6.023 ( 0-5)
LDL /HDL 4.023 ( 0- 3.5)
VLDL. 43. ( 0-40)
I am a male 40 years old. I take no drugs but I do drink moderately. Can you tell me how serious my issues are especially regarding the elevated GGT?
Secondly what can I do to turn this around? Thanks
only slight increase AST means working relatively ok
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
As your doctor would have mentioned, the increase in GGT is likely due to your alcohol intake though there are other causes as well.
The AST is slightly increased, this is one of the indicators of liver function. The fact that it is only slightly increased means that the liver is likely still working well.
Other parts of liver function should also be done such as ALT, alkaline phos and proteins (made by the liver, if liver not working well, levels may be low).
The GGT should go down if you significantly decrease your alcohol intake. This can take a few months to occur in some cases.
The healthy diet would help as well.
Once you continue in this vein, you should be able to prevent the liver disease from progressing any further
The cholesterol values are also too high but again using increased fruits and vegetables , whole grain foods would help. Omega products would also help in this regard.
Increased activity (at least 150 mins a week),would help as well, combine aerobic and strength training.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions