What Do The Following Lab Test Results Indicate?
Value Reference
Iron 16 L 50-170
Iron Saturation Percentage 3.72 L 20-50%
Total Iron Binding Capacity 430 228-460
Ferritin 14.8 10.0-291.0
WBC 6.34X10*3/uL
RBC 4.02X19*6/uL L
Hemoglobin 9.8 L
Hematocrit 31.2 L
MCV 77.6 L
MCH 24.4 L
MCHC 31.4 L
Platelet Count 290X10*3/uL
MPV 10.8
RDW 14.8 H
Nuets, automated 52.6%
Immature Grans, Automated .3%
Lymphs, Automated 35.3%
Monos, Automated 8.8%
EOS, Automated 2.7%
Basos Automated 0.3%
ABS Neutrophils 3.33X10*3/uL 1.80-7.70
Immature Grans Absolute 0.02X10*3/uL 0.00-0.04
ABS Lymphocytes 2.24X10*3/uL 0.90-5.00
ABS Monocytes 0.56X10*3/uL 0.20-1.00
ABS Eosinophils 0.17X10*3/uL 0.04-0.35
ABS Basophils 0.02X10*3/uL 0.00-0.10
Prothrombin Time 9.7 sec L 9.8-12.6
INR 0.89 0.00-4.80
Occult blood loss needs evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Hi friend
Welcome to Health Care Magic
Obviously, the symptom is from anaemia
The anaemia is due to Iron deficiency
At this age, the commonest cause of iron deficiency is bleeding…
The source here is slow, small and occult (not obvious) – in such cases, the usual source is the Gastro Intestinal Tract (GIT) … ulcer in stomach, polyp in colon etc… and malignancy needs to be evaluated…
A battery of investigations may be required – endoscopy is the first / more may be needed depending on the outcome of the investigations already done…
If there are no clues in GIT, a haematologist will investigate further…
You appear to be in good hands… keep following up
Good luck
God bless you