What Do These WBC Count, GFR And Bilirubin Levels Indicate?
My wbc count is 3.6 Low
My Differential GR% 35.6 Low
LY% 56 High Total Protein is 6.2 Low Bilirubin Total 1.9 high total bilirubin is low 2.1 low
GR# 1.3 Low What do my labs indicate and what tests should I
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Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you for asking!
I read carefully all your concerns and analysis and I can say as follows:
1. First of all I need to check by myself your test reports, so please can you upload them to me? I also need to ask you if you have done:
- abdominal ultrasound
- transaminases like AST , ALT, GGT and alkaline phosphatase.
- creatinemia/ uremia
- hepatic viral serological test like hepatitis B,C?
Have you ever used alcohol and how much?
2. Low protein level plus mild elevated bilirubine level may be due to;
- chronic hepatic disease associated with high bilirubin level, low protein and upper abdominal discomfort.
- renal issues associated with loose of proteins and albumin.
3. If you haven't done the tests that I mentioned above please perform them .
Hope it was helpful to you.
I have attached some labs. Note the dates-some are recent and others old. It looks like I was tested for "Hep Be Ag" and "Heb B surface AB"...are they the same?
I don't drink alcohol and have always seemed to have healthy liver; I do get elevated billirubin.Years ago I was told that I just have a "normal elevated billirubin", even so, it fluctuates from between .09 and 2.0.
Over 5 years ago, an ultra sound revealed that my gall bladder was inflamed for an unknown reason. It eventually resolved. I have not had a recent abdominal ultra sound.
Thank you again.
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Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
First of all I notice that GFR is 63 that is mildly decreased and indicates mild kidney damage.
It can explain low protein level . with regards to bilirubin , if your docter has called them as normal elevated bilirubin , most probably it is XXXXXXX syndrome; a benign syndrome.
Otherwise I recommend to do :
- abdominal ultrasound
- Hbs Ag and Anti -HCV. I didn't see these exams on your reports.
Hope it was helpful to you!