What Do These Following Blood And Semen Analysis Reports Indicate?
I have hypothyroidism but its in control and I have PCOD.
My report:
My insulin value is - 7.8
Amh value - 8.57
Prolactin value - 19.8
My husband report:
Sperm count- 80 million
Motility- 40%
Viscosity- High
My periods are irregular.. what are my chances of concieve normally with ovulation induction and rupture injection... is it necessary to go for IUI
Weight reduction advised
Detailed Answer:
Hello Mam, thanks for writing to us.
You are in obese range of body weight which seems to be the most important factor causing infertility.
Increase in body weight leads to disruption of ovulation and polycystic ovaries (as reflected by your AMH levels)
So in my opinion you should reduce your weight to at least 56-58 kgs so that the disrupted ovulation mechanism starts in a full swing.
You should avoid sugar and sweet products, take toned milk, avoid potatoes and rice.
In fruits avoid grapes, banana, XXXXXXX and chikko.
Go for a walk at least for one hour and increase your speed each day.
I hope you will see good improvement in your periods in 3-4 months only and try naturally for 2-3 months after resumption of menstrual cycles.
In case still all that persists then ovulation induction and injections will be the only options.
Dr Manisha Jain