What Do These Following Lab Reports Indicate?
No need for any further surgery
Detailed Answer:
This is Dr Sameer, cardiologist from Fortis Hospital.
TOF is a serious condition & should be operated within 1 year of birth or maximum within 2 years.
She has gone through the surgery already where her VSD(hole in heart) is closed & Conduit has been placed between RV & pulmonary artery.
I have gone through all the reports, details of surgery & discharge card.
She does not need any further operations. She just need to monitored regularly and regular echos to be done. She will live a normal life & develope normally. Complications arises late in adult life when patients develope breathing difficulty & CHF. Life expectancy is definitely less than a normal child but these days because of effective treatment patients generally live a normal healthy life & life expectancy is more than 60yrs.
RBBB & RVH is normal & is a part of TOF & persists even after surgery. Don't worry about it.