What Do These Lab Reports Indicate?
This shouldn't keep you out from military.
Detailed Answer:
Your findings suggests minimal to mild mitral regurgitation,mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation and mild pulmonary insufficiency.Regurgitation is due to incomplete closure of valves during contraction.
This is often a asymptomatic condition and patient usually doesn't require any treatment.
You also doesn't have any symptoms and it shouldn't be the criteria for exclusion from military.
Ejection fraction is very important and it is normal.
There are many changes in heart in advance valvular regurgitation which are not present in your case.Besides mild regurgitation,other findings are normal.
Mild valvular regurgitation can be seen after exercise so it is important to know whether your ECHO is done after exercise.
Get well soon.
Hope I have answered your question.
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The only symptom i have ver had was one time after a run i stopped and started to try and breath in a way to slow my heart rate and my heart went from fast to supper slow beats for like 3 beats then back to fast when this happend i got alittle light headed and that was it. Not sure what that could b.
You may need ECG and TMT test.
Detailed Answer:
It is important to evaluate properly due to your symptoms.You may need ECG and TMT test.If these tests are normal,then you shouldn't worry at all.
Get well soon.
Hope I have answered your question.
Further queries are most welcome.
Take Care
These investigations are important due to history of irregular heart beat.
Detailed Answer:
Sorry for relying late
These investigations are important due to history of irregular heart beat.It can detect if there is any abnormality.
Get well soon.
Hope I have answered your question.
Further queries are most welcome.
Take Care