What Does 29% Kidney Functioning Suggest?
kidney diseases are slowly progressive
Detailed Answer:
I think you are suffering from Chronic kidney disease as it appears from your discussion. Now even if the kidney is working 29 % you are not likely to land up with treatments like dialysis very soon.
The thing is that if the diseased and destroyed portion of the kidney cannot be recovered or treated then the only way out is to help the remaining 29% last longer. this can be done with the help of dietary changes, good blood pressure control, calcium and vitamin d supplements and maintaining good hemoglobin levels. avoiding any fever or infections and avoiding tobacco products.
So what is the meaning of ' serious ' here. serious means that the kidney cannot improve. but we know that the function would reduce further at a rate of 2 to 5 % every year. so need for advanced renal replacement treatments will arise only after many years. so though it is a serious issue but it is not likely to culminate into an emergency in days ,weeks or months.
generally such patients come for monthly out patient followup visits with slight modifications in there medicines.
I hope this clarifies your doubts,
best wishes