What Does Results, Free PSA 23.2%, Free PSA 0.65 Ng/ml
Free PSA helps to decide need for prostate biopsy when Total PSA is raised
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query .
Based on the facts and report of your PSA levels I would explain the significance of Free PSA and Total PSA in blood .
PSA is an enzyme produced by prostate .It circulates in blood in two forms ,Free PSA and other one bound to proteins in blood .Normal range of total PSA is 4ng .
The level of PSA is raised as age advances and in some conditions related to prostate like
1) Enlarged prostate common after the age of 60 years
2) Cancer of the prostate
3) Chronic infection of Prostate .
Persistently raising PSA is basically considered to be due to cancer of the prostate and demands biopsy of the prostate which is invasive procedure .So f the total PSA is between the range of 4 to 10 it is the free PSA which helps to decide whether one needs to go for biopsy or not .
If the free PSA ratio is more than 20-25% it is indication of to be due to benign enlargement of prostate and thus biopsy can be avoided .Free PSA ratio is the ratio of level of Free PSA to Total PSA (Free PSA/Total PSA).
Since your total PSA is 2.8ng and FRE PSA ratio is 23% there is no possibility of cancer of the Prostate .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.