What Does A Black Patch Inside The Cheek Indicate?
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Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
You have mentioned the site of concern as " inside your cheek". So the lesion is probably over buccal mucosa inside oral cavity.
Now a black patch in the oral cavity with red centre or raw area could be erosive lichen planus, herpes infection,erythroplakia or an aphthous ulcer.
I would need the pictures of the lesion to make a diagnosis, so please upload an image of affected area by clicking on upload report/image icon which is on right side of query page.
Also please let me know
since how long the lesions are present
if the lesions are painful
If any spicy food causes burning sensation over affected area.
If you had similar lesion in past
Any other skin lesions
If you smoke or chew tobbacco
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Take care