What Does A Boil In The Penis-shaft Indicate?
Could be a calcified Plaque or a Sebaceous Cyst .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query ,
Based on the facts that you have posted a hard spot palpated in shaft of the penis could be mostly either a Calcified Plaque in Tunica Albugenia a sheath covering two erectile bodies . or a Sebaceous Cyst.However it can be confirmed only only on clinical examination in person .
Can you see any white spot on the surface (Opening of a Sebaceous Cyst) ?
Consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.
1) Ultrasound scanning of Penis
If it turns out to be Calcified plaque and since you do not have erectile issue should be left alone and monitor if there is increase in size .
If turns out to be Sebaceous cyst it may need to get excised in Totto under local anesthesia .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Should I be concerned about cancer?
Do not think of Cancer at all.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .
As per your statement it seems mostly to be a calcified plaque (Peyronies Disease ).
But one need not worry as long as you do not have painful erection and difficulty in having sex.
The only test that can confirm is to do Ultrasound Scanning of Penis .
Get it done and get relaxed .
Thanks and Regards.