What Does A Positive Test Result For Leprosy Post MDT Treatment Indicate?
MDT failure
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns.
With WHO recommended multidrug therapy (MTD),there have been a high
(double-digit) relapse rate in several locales (reaching 20–40% in
one locale, with the rate directly related to the initial bacterial burden) for multibacillary patients and —for paucibacillary patients—demonstrable lesional activity have been observed for years in fully half of patients after the completion of therapy.
Hence MTD are being questioned by many authorities and instead a more intensive approach is favored currently employing bactericidal agents like moxifloxacin and rifampin.
A moxifloxacin/rifamycin-based regimen including either minocycline or clarithromycin appears promising;such a regimen may prove to be more reliably curative than WHO recommended multidrug therapy (MTD) for lepromatous leprosy and may allow a considerably shorter course of treatment.
Hence in view of drawbacks of MTD,you have to undergo shorter intensive therapy to get cured.
Please consult your Leprologist or Dermatolgist for review of your treatment.
Dr. T.K. Biswas M.D. XXXXXXX