What Does A Red Dot In The Crease Of Arm Indicate?
Kindly provide pictures of the spot
Detailed Answer:
I understand your concern regarding your skin problem and I hope I am able to help you in the same.
A small red spot over the skin could be suggestive of many things.It might simply be a naevus or some skin eczema or it might suggest some other pathology.
I would like to have a look at the exact skin condition.
Please click some close up pictures of the affected area and upload them here on this page .
Also please provide certain other details about the skin condition .
Since when do you have this spot?
Any associated itching or pain ?
What all have you been applying over it ?
Is it increasing?
I am sure I will be able to help you more once you provide me the pictures along with the above details.
Dr Geetika Paul
Could be superficial skin trauma or insect bite
Detailed Answer:
The kind of lesion you have developed might have occurred either due to pinching between the elastic of the clothes that you have worn or such a small red spot could have occurred due to an insect bite reaction .
In either case,a small reddish dot can be seen which can later change appearance and heal .
If the lesion is not associated with any discomfort like pain or itching , then you can leave it as such .
However, if you notice any discomfort , then you might need to apply a mild topical steroid cream like cortisone cream over it .
Dr Geetika Paul