What Does A Red Dot Under The Belly Button After Having Sex Indicate?
I recently had safe sex, with a condom, and broke out above my groin area, under my belly button. They are red dot, like pimples and they do have puss. I spoke with my partner and she doesn't have anything. So what could the possibility be? Please help because I would like to diagnose this asap.
allergy/bacterial infection.rare possibility Herpe
Detailed Answer:
I went through the query and understood your concern.
The red dot like lesion in the same area where the condom has broken may be due to allergic reaction which is infected or due to bacterial infection (staphylococcus). It will be better if you can upload a high quality photo of it.
Since you noticed just now without any other symptoms the chance of bacterial infection is more.
1. clean the area with soap and water
2. Dry with good cotton cloth,
3. apply antiseptic lotion like povidine iodine
4. Since pus filled, antibiotics like sodium fusidate ointment will help. .
The other cause many be Herpes infection. Since your partner don't have any problem the chance is less. But if not recovered with the above measures and if recurrence occurs then you need to get evaluated for this.
I hope this information helps you. Feel free to ask for any further queries. I will be glad to answer them.
Wish you good health and faster recovery.
antiseptic lotion+sodium fusidate ointment
Detailed Answer:
I went through the attachment. It doesn't look like fungal infection as the fungal infection appears more like spreading round lesion clearing in the center, but appears more like bacterial infection or allergic reactions.
Antibiotic cream like sodium fusidate will help in faster healing. Clean with antiseptic lotion like povidine iodine and apply the ointment. This will help in faster healing and also prevent spreading.
Any ointment will have additives for soothing effect, so the antifungal ointment has some effect.
I hope this information helps you. Feel free to ask for any further information.
Wish you faster recovery and good health.
pharmacy outlets. prescription drug
Detailed Answer:
You can purchase these at the pharmacy outlets.
If not available then you need to get the prescription from your doctor. Since the ointment is a prescription drug you need to consult your doctor for the prescription.
I hope this helps you. Feel free to ask if any further information or queries.
Wish you faster recovery.