What Does A Small Purple Spot On Scrotum Indicate?
Kindly send picutres and give details.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for posting your query to the forum.
I can understand your concern for small purple spot on scrotum.
There can be multiple possibilities of the purple spot. To diagnose the exact entity I request you to kindly upload few good resolution pictures of the affected area so that I can analyze it better.
Kindly send good resolution pictures focusing the area of concern which can be seen on higher magnification. For uploading the pictures you have a facility on the right side of the page or can send on:
with "attention:Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia"
The pictures will be confidential and would not be available for anyone else to see except me.
Do let me certain other information:
- Any pain or itching or discomfort over same.
- Any history of unprotected intercourse in recent past.
- Any other relevant point which you think is important telling me about the area.
Hope to hear soon from your side.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD- Dermatology & Sexually transmitted diseases
Pictures are not received
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Welcome again to the forum and thanks for your follow up.
I am really sorry to say that I have not got the pictures yet.I was wwaiting for the pictures to get uploaded bit I think it is still in the process. I humbly request you to kindly coordinate with customer care to just check the status of the same.
Hope to hear soon from your side.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kanodia
MD-DERMATOLOGY & Sexually transmitted diseases.
Angiokeratoma:not at all related to any STD
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Welcome again to the forum and thanks a lot for sending the pictures.
I am highly thankful to you for sending the pictures. Let me first reassure you that your purple spot is not at all related to any type of sexually transmitted infection. So first and foremost relax your mind for any possibility of Sexually transmitted diseases.
Now you might be wondering about the various possibilities of the spot!!!
The spot is "Angiokeratoma" of the scrotal skin -a very common condition which anyone of us can get. Angiokeratoma is formed due to over proliferation of blood vessels forming a purple red colored mark. It is just a the begingn of the spot and later on it gets bit rough and dark purple. It is a totally being lesion so you should not be worried about any type of cancerous growth too.
Similar type of new lesions may also develop over the same site or at other site. So do not get worried for the same as is quite normal natural phenomenon.
It doesn't require any treatment but even if the person is really anxious then I remove it with radio-frequency machine. I hope this information will relax you completely. I will be glad to reply any further queries.
With good health wishes,
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD-DERMATOLOGY & Sexually transmitted diseases.
No chance as your scrotal skin is totally intact.
Detailed Answer:
Hello young buddy,
welcome again to the forum and thanks a lot for your further follow up. You are most welcome to ask as many as questions you like.
I am really happy to know hat your are relaxed to know that your purple spot is not at all related to any sexually transmitted infection.
Regarding your further query- Licking over scrotal area never cause any sexually transmitted infection in your kind of cases. In certain person who have any cuts or abrasion or any ulcers then rarely it might rarely can cause the same. But in your case there is no chance as your scrotal skin is totally intact.
I hope you must be completely relaxed to know the simple facts. I will be glad to answer any further queries or if not then can close the discussion and rate the answer.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD-DERMATOLOGY & Sexually transmitted diseases.